Sunday, January 5, 2014

WOW 1/6-1/12

Hi Frozen Fits!

Here's the WOW!

Monday 1/6: @ 10 a.m. indoor bike at Mike P's Hoover hideaway.
Tuesday 1/7: On your own
Wednesday 1/8: Possibly TBA
Thursday 1/9: @ 6:30 p.m. Cobblestone's Cobble Hobble 4 mile run and fish tacos to follow
Friday 1/10: on your own
Saturday 1/11: Possibly TBA
Sunday 1/12: @ 8 a.m. Strength at Mike P's Hoover Hideaway. Bring your foam roller, yoga mat. Bring outside running stuff too, quick 1 ish mile run to warmup.

Special K

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