Sunday, November 17, 2013

WOW 11/18-11/24

Here's the WOW!

Assuming we all survived the crazy end of the world weather Sunday, here's a few workouts we can look forward to!

Monday 11/18: On your own
Tuesday 11/19: @ 9 a.m. Silver Springs long run 16 miles
Wednesday 11/20: On your own
Thursday 11/21: @ 6:30 p.m. Cobble Hobble 4 miler, fish tacos and craft brew to follow
Friday 11/22: @ 9 a.m. Silver springs intermediate run 10 miles
Saturday 11/23: On your own.
Sunday 11/24: @ 8 a.m. Strength at Mike P's place Hoover Forest Preserve. Bring running shoes, yoga mat, a jump rope if you have one. Please RSVP if you will be there either a DM to me, Mike P., Al Wade or Stan Towers.
****Monday 11/25: meet @ 9 a.m. for our annual raking of the trail in prep for Wednesday's Gobbler Gallop at Silver Springs. Meet at the boat launch. Bring gloves and a rake. I'll bring something to hydrate with! It'll be fun!

Don't forget about the 8th annual Gobbler Gallop 5K trail run @ 9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27th. Beer and Bagels at the Wade's place to follow! Shot glass start, Jell-O shot finish! Kids are welcome to participate! $5 donation much appreciated!!!!!!

Special K

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