Sunday, September 1, 2013

WOW 9/2-9/10

Extended WOW for you folks this week and into next.

Monday 9/2: On your own
Tuesday 9/3: On your own
Wednesday 9/4: @8:30 a.m. at the Wades in Plano. Bike short and fast. Don't forget those of you that are registering for Ironman Chattanooga, registration window opens at 11 a.m. CST! Get those fingers in fast typing shape!
Thursday 9/5: @6:30 p.m. Cobblestones 4-5 mile run and FISH TACOS after!
Friday 9/6: On your own
Saturday 9/7: On your own
Sunday 9/8: On your own but send good thoughts down to Cedar Point for those of us competing in the Rev3 70.3 including first timers Megan Weis, Deann Ryan, Kevin Satler and salty veterans Al, Stan, Brad Schultz, Ron Searle, Caitlin and Chris McMahon and myself. AND best of luck, fast times and good vibes go out to Erick Italia and his daughter Celine next weekend as they tow the line at the Madison Ironman! This is Celine's first Ironman (she's in the 18-24 AG) Watch them online at Celine's bib # is 350 and Erick's is #1949
Monday 9/9: On your own
Tuesday 9/10: Watch FB, there may be a workout listed it will be posted sometime on Monday.

Also, big congrats to Kevin Convey, Dan Eppard, Rick Ahlgren on their Hy-Vee tri and a late congrats to Doug Podschweit on his full Iron distance in Michigan last weekend, Doug finished in 15:33:11! Boom Boys!

Again, props go out to Sean O'Connor and Kristel Jansen Van Vuren on their great Ironman performances last weekend in Louisville, KY!

Special K, Sleeves, Madam Prez, Buttercup, Kristen

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