Friday, February 26, 2010

BL Challenge #14

Hey Losers, 

Week 14, we're coming down to the end. Are you doing all that you can do to ensure your spot on the "Loser" winner's podium?

Challenge #14: Run a mile. For those who ran their mile in the first weeks good for you. For those who didn't your not totally screwed, but sort of. Anyone who completes this challenge gets a 1lb bonus. For those who ran the mile last time and complete this challenge you get a 2lb bonus. The person who improves the MOST from the first 1 mile run will win a 3lb bonus. 

Send me an email with your 1 mile times and I will document your poundage appropriately. As I am out of town and won't be back to shift until 3/4, continue to record your weight on the chart in the workout room. 

Good Luck, 


Misfits 3/1-3/7


Here is the weekly schedule, times are loose as we have a few scheduling conflicts, will keep informed:

Monday, 3/1 totally on your own, no WOD . . . we'll be resting post marathon

Tuesday, 3/2 swim on your own, easy ride at our house at 10 a.m. (might need a few strong hands to move our new hot tub in place)

Wednesday, 3/3 run outside pending weather 11 a.m. meet at our house.

Thursday, 3/4 WOD #1 PLUS run 5K and 20 minutes of swimming

Friday, 3/5 Long slow distance ride 8:15 a.m. our house

Saturday, 3/6 swim on your own, 2:30 p.m. ride at our house

Sunday, 3/7 WOD #2

WOD #1
Run 1 mile warmup
As many rounds of the following in 20 minutes:
- 20 squats (body weight)
- 20 pushups
- 20 sit ups
- 5 pullups
Run 1 mile cooldown

Run 2 miles (mile 1 warmup, mile 2 5k race pace)
"Super sets" of the following
- 20 dumbell bench / 20 bent over dumbell rows
- 20 tricep cable pressdowns / 20 cable curls
- 20 barbell overhead pushpress / 20 low cable rows
- 20 overhead tricep extensions/ 20 dumbell curls
- 20 crunches/ 20 flutter kicks
- 1 minute plank/ 30 second side plank each side
Run 2 miles (mile 1 5k race pace, mile 2 cooldown)

LOVE Kristen and AL

Sunday, February 21, 2010

BL Challenge #13

Hey Losers, 

Lucky number 13!!!! Don't forget to weigh-in tomorrow morning. 

Challenge #13 Complete 5 days of workouts minimum of 40 minutes each day. Workouts of your choice, document what you did, time you did it for, how your felt in your BL journals. All who can show proof get TWO bonus pounds at the end of the challenge which may put you in that WINNING percentage bracket. 

Good Luck, 


Misfits 2/22-2/28


Hey, this week's gonna be a light one as several of us are leaving for Tampa and running the Gasparilla marathon on Sunday 2/28. 

Made a new Misfit friend, Amy, and she is looking for runners who are intersted in running a relay from Madison to Chicago in June, 12-13 (200 miles). She's hoping for a relay team of 12 so the COMBINED distance you'd be running would total 24ish miles. Keep in mind this is the same weekend as the Batavia Triathlon. Email if interested and I'll let Amy know numbers. Website is below for more info.

Monday, 2/22 -  Swim on your own, bike at the Wades 10 a.m. low intensity

Tuesday, 2/23 - WOD (work out of the day) see below

Wednesday, 2/24 - Vaughan Center at 9 a.m. easy short run

Thursday, 2/25 - Swim on your own, bike at the Wades 10 a.m. low intensity

Friday, 2/26 - REST (what is this word rest? so unfamilliar)

Saturday, 2/27 - WOD, see below

Sunday, 2/28 Gasparilla marathon, locals do a long, slow
run weather permitting.
WOD #1

"Tabata This!"

*Run 1 mile warmup
*Tabata Run
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Squat
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Pull-up
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Push-up
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Sit-up
*Run 1 mile cooldown

*The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.

WOD #2

*Run 1 mile warmup

Using around a 20lb weight vest OR backpack with 20lb in it do the following: 3 rounds of:

*walk on treadmill @ 8% incline fast as possible for .25 mile
*20 squats
*20 pushups
*1 minute plank
*max rep of pullups
*10 4-count burpees
*20 jumping jacks

Finish with 1 mile cooldown run minus the vest.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Misfits 2/14-2/20

Hey Misfits,

This week and next week's workouts will be less intense as some of us are tapering for the Gasparilla Marathon 2/28. Feel free to increase your own workouts as you see fit.

Sunday, 2/14 make up workout if you missed WODs from last week.

Monday, 2/15 swim on your own, meet at the Wade's for indoor cycling 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, 2/16 Meet at the Vaughan Center at 9 a.m. steady state run bring $2-$3.

Wednesday, 2/17 WOD, see below.

Thursday, 2/18 Meet at the Wades for a 3 hour bike ride 9 a.m.

Friday, 2/19 Swim on your own

Saturday, 2/20 Rockford Road Runner's Survivor Trail Series 15K (9.3 miles) NOON. Visit for more info. contact us if you are interested in going.

WOD 2/17
Run 1 mile warm up
-30 push ups
-30 squats
-25 push ups
-25 squats
-20 push ups
-20 squats
-15 push ups
-15 squats
-10 push ups
-10 squats
Run 1 mile
-1 minute plank
-20 burpees (4 count)
-30 second side plank (each side)
-15 burpees (4 count)
-50 second plank
-10 burpees (4 count)
-25 second side plank (each side)
-5 burpees (4 count)
Run 1 mile cool down

On a personal note, I'd like to offer good thoughts to Cliff Lo and his family in their difficult time. Cliff's sister passed away today after a long and difficult battle with cancer. 

Kristen and Al

BL #12

Hey Losers,

We're winding down, hope your weight is doing the same! Be sure to weigh in Monday morning and record your results on the chart in the workout room.

Challenge #12: Compute your target heart rate for optimal fat burning and use this for your next cardio workout. Sounds complicated you say. Pish Posh, it's as easy as pie.....and you would know, you've eaten a lot of it to get to this point.

So, do figure your THR for fat burning, take 220 minus your age (Walsh be honest we know you're not 29) and multiply that factor by .55 and .65. This will give you a range of 55-65 perecent of your max heart rate (MHR). This has been proven to be the ideal range for FAT BURNING. If you can maintain this range for AT LEAST 20 minutes 3-5 times a week the flabalanches should begin to disappear. Oh yeah, one other small factor, you must begin to eat HEALTHIER FOODS.

But Kristen you say, "How will I know what my heart is for the duration of the 20 minutes?" Well my fellow fitness followers, there are three heart rate monitors in the workout room. Wear them with the watch and you shall be able to know your ticker rate at all times. 

Good luck,


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Misfits 2/8 -2/13


Monday, 2/8: WOD see below
Tuesday, 2/9: meet at our house for a indoor bike ride 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 2/10: Meet at the Vaughan Center for sprint work 9 a.m. bike to follow at our house
Thursday, 2/11: WOD see below
Friday, 2/12: bike / strength training our house 515 E. Lee Street, Plano 8:30 a.m.
Saturday, 2/13: Swim on your own, bike at 11:30 our house. 

WOD #1:
"Ultimate Run"
-Run 5 min. at 5 mph
-Run 5 min. at 6 mph
-Run 5 min. at 7 mph
-Run 5 min. at 8 mph
-Run 5 min. at 9 mph
-Run 5 min. at 10 mph
(How far can you make it?)
Followed by: 
-50 body weight squats
-50 pushups
-50 situps
-50 pullups (assistance as needed)
All 50's can be broken up as needed

WOD #2:
Run one mile warmup
"Kettlebell HELL"
Tabatas of the following:
-snatches (alternating sides as needed)
-shoulder press (alternating sides as needed)
-floor press (two k. bells)
Run a mile
Tabatas of the following:
-cleans (alternating sides as needed)
-crunches holding a k.bell
-windmills (split tabata in half each side)
Run a mile cooldown

*Tabata: 20 seconds all out effort, 10 seconds complete rest = 1 of 8 sets. Complete 8 sets of tabata for each exercise before moving to the next exercise. Each exercise should take approx. 4 minutes. 

For questions on specific exercises consult the INTERNET.

Peace out,

Kristen and Al

BL Challenge #11

Hey Losers,

If you are like so many American's out there, you probably overate during the Superbowl, consuming nearly 1,200 calories by the beginning of the first quarter. If so, consider this Challenge a chance to start fresh, each day is a new opportunity to make healthy decisions for your body and your mind. I believe there are six short weeks left to change your lifestyle for the better.

Challenge #11: For one meal this week make it Vegan. Eating Vegan has been shown to significantly reduce your bad cholesterol levels (LDL). This is because vegetables do not contain a single mg of cholesterol. This means no dairy, no meat (fish, pig, cow, lamb, chicken, turkey, deer, elk, horse, dog etc . . . ) If you don't think your family will go for it, don't tell them, see if they notice when you substitute the ground cow for ground soy crumbles. If you need advice, feel free to ask. I have plenty of Vegan recipes up my sleeve.

Remember to weigh in Monday morning.

Good luck,


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

BL %'s

Hey Losers,

Here are the latest percentages. Hopefully this will give some of you something to shoot for. You should really be thinking strategy here, there are only SEVEN weeks remaining until the final weigh in. Take some pride in being a healthy person, take some ownership in the BAD habits you may have acquired over the last 20-30 plus years and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!

Baum: 5.33%

Carr: 5.22%

Moran: 4.34%

Naden: 4.23%

Carlson: 3.65%

McCornack, Drendel: 2.76%

Walsh: 2.72%

Blankenship: 2.53%

Lopez: 1.89%

Noss, Lundin: 0%

Cahill: +.66%

Cudio: +.99%


BL #10

Hey Losers,

I believe this is challenge #10:

Send me an email to let me know that you are ACTUALLY interested in competing in this competition. So far I have received very little feedback with regard to the weekly challenges. Let me know how you are doing, if you would like any encouragement, advice etc….you could include suggestions for the remaining challenges as well.

BTW, we are down one more participant. Nichols dropped out this week.



Monday, February 1, 2010

WOD 2/2 and 2/5


As promised here are the WOD's for 2/2 and 2/5:

WOD 2/2/10
1 mile warm up

-5 pullups
-20 kettlebell / d.bell shoulder press
-2 to 4 pullups
-20 kettlebell / d.bell floor press
-2 to 4 pullups
-5 windmills with kettlebell or dumbell each side ( Amy this is your oblique exercise, check it out online for tips)
-2 to 4 pullups
-10 kettlebell / d.bell snatches, each side (check out online)
-2 to 4 pullups

Run 1 mile 

Repeat above 

Run 1 mile

Repeat above

Run 1 mile cool down

WOD 2/5: "Tabata Hell"

Run 1 mile warmup

Tabatas of the following:

french curls
bench dips

Tabata run

Repeat above
Tabata run

Repeat above

Run 1 mile cooldown

**Tabata = 20 seconds on (all out effort) followed by 10 seconds of complete rest equals one set X 8. Each exercise should take approx. 4 minutes. Remember you should feel ready to die at the end of each exercise, if not, go harder. 

Any questions give me a call, (630)546-1176 or Kristen (630)605-1255

Good luck y'all!

Kristen and Al