Sunday, May 11, 2014

WOW 5/12-5/25

Here's two weeks of WOWs

Monday 5/12: @ 9 a.m. VAC for an easy swim
Tuesday 5/13: on your own
Wednesday 5/14: @ 9 a.m. Saw Wee Kee MTB and a quick run off the bike
Thursday 5/15 - 6:30 p.m. Tap House Grill for a Social run and beer to follow (Al and I won't be there we'll be in Alabama for XTERRA until 5/19)
Friday 5/16: On your own
Saturday 5/17: On your own
Sunday 5/18: On your own (strength is on a hiatus for the summer as it's race season now!!!!)
Monday 5/19: @ 9 a.m for a bike from the Wades (road, if nice) and swim to follow
Tuesday 5/20:  @ 9 a.m. meet at Silver springs for a hill workout (running)
Wednesday 5/21: @ 9 a.m. for a bike (road outside if weather holds) and swim to follow
Thursday 5/22: @ 6:30 p.m. Tap house social run and beer to follow. Al and I will be on shift.
Friday 5/23: @ 9 a.m. for a longish road ride meet at the Wades and swim to follow at the VAC.
Saturday 5/24: @ 8:30 a.m. for a long road ride (meet at the Wades) and a run off the bike
Sunday 5/25: on your own.

Special K

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