Sunday, March 25, 2012

WOW 3/26-4/1

Hi Fits!

Here's your WOW (group workouts might not be as plentiful this week, we have kids home on Spring Break)

Monday 3/26: @ 8 a.m. meet a Mike P's for an indoor ride (weather is supposed to be ick) and a 5 mi recovery run to follow, strength on your own.
Tuesday 3/27: @ 7:30 a.m. meet at the Vaughan for speed sets in the pool, 60 min recovery bike on your own. 
Wednesday 3/28: @ 8 a.m. for a swim then track workout at PHS @ 10 a.m.
Thursday 3/29: On your own.....maybe some yoga or foam rolling or strength....
Friday 3/30: @7:30 a.m. speed sets in the pool at the Vaughan then 50 min bike on your own. 
Saturday 3/31: @ 11 a.m. hill work at Harris Forest Preserve off 47 and 71 in Yorkville! Then make your way over to the FREE Misfits triathlon transition clinic at Hoover Forest Preserve at the Eagles Nest shelter. Be sure to bring all of your triathlon gear including bike clinic starts @ 2 p.m.
Sunday 4/1: Bike and run circuit. Meet Al at Big Rock Forest Preserve @9:30 a.m. NO FOOLING! Bring your mountain bike and running shoes. Strength on your own. Bring a bike lock if you have one.  

Also Dan E. wanted to let everyone know about a mountain bike event at Matthiessen State Park near Utica, IL May 6th. Email him if you're interested in the details, or visit the site.

PS, the color coding is to help those who are always asking what shifts we work. I'm red, Al is gold, black we're off together. 

Happy training!

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