Sunday, March 11, 2012

WOW 3/12-3/18

Hi Fits!

The misfitsendurancecoach email wasn't cooperating in sending out the WOW's so I'll continue to mail them from here, post them to FB, twitter, post them on the group page and our blog.....

Theme of the week: SPEED!!!!!
Monday 3/12: @ 8:15 a.m. swim at the Vaughan, speed sets and a recovert bike on your own 60 min perhaps enjoy the AWESOME weather predicted this week!
Tuesday 3/13: @ 9 a.m. meet at Hoover FP off of Fox Road, Mike P's house for an indoor bike and recovery 5 mi run to follow on the trails.
Wednesday 3/14: @ 5 a.m. for a swim with K or meet Al @ 9 a.m. at the Vaughan for a swim and long track sprints (perhaps you can talk him into using an outdoor track 70 degrees today!!!)
Thursday 3/15: On your own / REST DAY
Friday 3/16: @ 9 a.m. swim speed sets and 50 min recovery bike on your own unless otherwise decided later.....
Saturday 3/17: WSS 20K (12.4 mi) meet at the Wades at 9:45 a.m. for the caravan up to Rockford. Race is at noon bring $20 unless otherwise registered. Those who wear an orange bandana get a 5m head start, those who wear a cowboy had and cowboy boots get a 10m headstart. AND for those who ran all 4, "WE FINALLY GET THAT DAMNED ORANGE SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sunday 3/18: @ 10 a.m. meet K at Big Rock FP for a mountain bike and run (runs are recovery) bikes are intervals.

Happy Training!

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