Saturday, January 14, 2012

WOW 1/16-1/22

Good morning FITS!

Here's your WOW for next week! Plan accordingly!

Monday 1/16: Group ride 9 a.m. at Hoover FP, Mike P's house aka Misfit Training Center East! Trainers, towels, water and your own GRIT (you know that stuff deep down inside that drives you). This'll be a longer ride, count on about 2 hours. No run planned today.
Tuesday 1/17: 5k - 5mi progression run, strength, foam roller and yoga
Wednesday 1/18: 1500-2000 yd swim, 10k run
Thursday 1/19: Trainer ride (on your own) 1 hr, transition to 5k run, strength, yoga
Friday 1/20: 1500-2000 yd swim on your own then meet us at 10:30 a.m. for indoor track work at the Vaughan Center in Aurora off of Indian Trail. (bring $2 unless you're a member)
Saturday 1/21: Leaving from Plano @ 9:45 a.m. for WSS 10K trail run in Rockford. Bring $20 for registration.
Sunday 1/22: Leaving from Plano @ 7:45 a.m.-ISH for Milwaukee for Ray's Indoor mountain bike park, if you don't have a mountain bike you can rent one for the day for $12. Required are gloves and helmet. Park entry is $25. We have room for a couple additional bikes on our rack. Visit for more info. There are ALL skill level obstacles at the park so don't be afeared....besides if I can bike it a monkey could bike it!!!!!!

Happy training week!

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