Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I got a wedgie!

Yesterday was a big day for ZenAl and I. Tom Schopf from Schopf Innovations, developer of the Wedgie (not the kind we endured in junior high) but the very smart water bottle and tool kit combo that rests neatly at the base of your tri/road bike frame offered us a sponsorship opportunity for 2012. We are more than over the moon about this! Speaking with Tom was great and both Al and I are thrilled to both try out and promote this product next year starting with the Galena Tri in May!

We first learned of the Wedgie in November during IMFL. We noticed the little black compartment on a bike at the Athlete Village. We got to talking to this guy, who by the way was really into tattoos...that was the ice breaker, if you know me you know what I'm talking about, anyhow, we asked him to show us his Wedgie...he opened up the compartment and it appeared that everything had it's place neatly packed between two piece of plastic with an easily accessible water bottle cage that sits on top. We went back to the house and found the Wedgie online. From there I contacted Tom and inquired about sponsorship opportunities for amateur athletes. The rest is history.....

Tom and I talked about the benefits of drinking out of a "proper" bottle vs using the aero and straw combination, which we agreed can cause a substantial amount of air ingested into the belly, this is BAD!!!! This means belly ickieness during your run.....not good. Furthermore drinking out of a "proper" bottle enables the rider to sit upright and stretch the back making a five hour bike ride not seem like an eight hour bike ride!

Another of Tom's products is the "on the level" aero bottle mount. This I like! The mount, as explained  by Tom, is a leaf spring design which will allow most bottles of varying circumference to fit in the cage, genius! No more rattling bottles!

Well stay tuned for more Wedgie comments. Check out the link for more info and be sure to enter the contest for your chance at a free Wedgie! Oh, for those who FB you can like the Wedgie on their fanpage!

Check out the link!
My Wedgie


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