Monday, September 19, 2011

WOW 9/19-9/25

Hey Fits!

Here's the WOW for this week, sorry it's comin' atcha a bit behind....getting up the stairs is kinda a chore right now!

Monday 9/19: If you ran this weekend any of the races, plan on today as a day off. If you didn't how about a 5k-5 mi run followed by yoga
Tuesday 9/20: Again, if you raced this weekend, plan on today as another off day, but if you feel up for it, take a leisurely bike ride around town, or take the pups for a walk. ALSO, Tuesday night bike is cancelled.
Wednesday 9/21: 1500-2000 yd recovery swim. Really listen to your body. If you still need time off, TAKE IT! Recovery IS SO VASTLY IMPORTANT! 
Thursday 9/22: 1500-2000 yd swim, EASY 5k and YOGA. 
Friday 9/23: 2500 yd swim. Friday night evening run @ Bliss Woods 5:30 p.m. 
Saturday 9/24: 25 mi bike followed by YOGA, meet at the Wades @ 9 a.m.
Sunday 9/25: REST DAY

Have an awesome week! 

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