Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hi Fits!

WOTS of the week: 
*7/6 5k-5 mile progression run, strength and yoga
*7/7: 1 hour swim, track work - 1 mi w^, 4 x 1 mile repeats 1 mi cool down (1/2 mi barefoot), yoga
*7/8: Meet at the Wades @ 8:30 a.m. for a 50-60 mi bike, followed by 2 mi "open water" swim at the Batavia Quarry, it opens at noon! 
7/9: 1 hour bike, 5k-5 mi progression run, strength and yoga
7/10: REST DAY we're making a yoga video with my aunt whose in from Colorado for the MEC side of the Misfits. Contact me if you're interested in your 15-20 minutes of fame. This could be you're only chance! ;)

Latah killas
Special K

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