Friday, February 4, 2011

Survivor 15K


All you Snow Masochists out there............February 19th at noon is the Rockcut Survivor Series 15K. This is the third in the 4 race series cullminating in March with the 20K. Are you tough enough to climb the muddy hill, well with recent HISTORIC weather events this might just be a COLD trail run in DEEEEEEP snow. But what the heck else are you to do on a February afternoon?

Can the Misfits count on you to join us out there? If you're interested (deep down, that sick part of you wants to do this just to say you did) meet at the Wades humble abode in Plano at 10 a.m.

Comon it'll be fun!
Run Happy!

Special K

PS for more info visit $20 to newcomers and $5 for students. Hot chili and sweet treats await you at the finish line.

PSS cash prizes awarded to top age groupers. We could all use a little extra cash.

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