Friday, September 3, 2010

WE DID IT!!!!!!!

We came out alive on the other side! Misfits, Al, Kristen and Timmy lived to swim another lap, bike another road and run another mile! What an awesome awesom experience. With temps in the 90's and the heat index reaching 100+, we found out just how far we can push our bodies.

Al finished with an impressive 12:44, Kristen finished in 13:23 and young Timothy finished in 14:56. 

The swim in the mighty Ohio was great, water temp was 85. The bike was challenging. Hills abound. But for every up hill there was a bitchin downhill. Al clocked one hill at 47 mph! The run, well, we all fell apart on the run in one way or another. Chalk it up to heat. All three of us ended up with IV's in medical at the end. However, Timmy went on to visit one of Louisville's ERs suffering from a bout of hyponeutremia. 

Five days post IM and we're back at it. Logged a short run yesterday and a short run today. Legs are feeling good, tummy is back to normal. 

Looking at another IM in 2012!!!

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