Friday, February 26, 2010

Misfits 3/1-3/7


Here is the weekly schedule, times are loose as we have a few scheduling conflicts, will keep informed:

Monday, 3/1 totally on your own, no WOD . . . we'll be resting post marathon

Tuesday, 3/2 swim on your own, easy ride at our house at 10 a.m. (might need a few strong hands to move our new hot tub in place)

Wednesday, 3/3 run outside pending weather 11 a.m. meet at our house.

Thursday, 3/4 WOD #1 PLUS run 5K and 20 minutes of swimming

Friday, 3/5 Long slow distance ride 8:15 a.m. our house

Saturday, 3/6 swim on your own, 2:30 p.m. ride at our house

Sunday, 3/7 WOD #2

WOD #1
Run 1 mile warmup
As many rounds of the following in 20 minutes:
- 20 squats (body weight)
- 20 pushups
- 20 sit ups
- 5 pullups
Run 1 mile cooldown

Run 2 miles (mile 1 warmup, mile 2 5k race pace)
"Super sets" of the following
- 20 dumbell bench / 20 bent over dumbell rows
- 20 tricep cable pressdowns / 20 cable curls
- 20 barbell overhead pushpress / 20 low cable rows
- 20 overhead tricep extensions/ 20 dumbell curls
- 20 crunches/ 20 flutter kicks
- 1 minute plank/ 30 second side plank each side
Run 2 miles (mile 1 5k race pace, mile 2 cooldown)

LOVE Kristen and AL

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