Sunday, February 21, 2010

Misfits 2/22-2/28


Hey, this week's gonna be a light one as several of us are leaving for Tampa and running the Gasparilla marathon on Sunday 2/28. 

Made a new Misfit friend, Amy, and she is looking for runners who are intersted in running a relay from Madison to Chicago in June, 12-13 (200 miles). She's hoping for a relay team of 12 so the COMBINED distance you'd be running would total 24ish miles. Keep in mind this is the same weekend as the Batavia Triathlon. Email if interested and I'll let Amy know numbers. Website is below for more info.

Monday, 2/22 -  Swim on your own, bike at the Wades 10 a.m. low intensity

Tuesday, 2/23 - WOD (work out of the day) see below

Wednesday, 2/24 - Vaughan Center at 9 a.m. easy short run

Thursday, 2/25 - Swim on your own, bike at the Wades 10 a.m. low intensity

Friday, 2/26 - REST (what is this word rest? so unfamilliar)

Saturday, 2/27 - WOD, see below

Sunday, 2/28 Gasparilla marathon, locals do a long, slow
run weather permitting.
WOD #1

"Tabata This!"

*Run 1 mile warmup
*Tabata Run
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Squat
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Pull-up
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Push-up
*Rest 1 minute
*Tabata Sit-up
*Run 1 mile cooldown

*The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.

WOD #2

*Run 1 mile warmup

Using around a 20lb weight vest OR backpack with 20lb in it do the following: 3 rounds of:

*walk on treadmill @ 8% incline fast as possible for .25 mile
*20 squats
*20 pushups
*1 minute plank
*max rep of pullups
*10 4-count burpees
*20 jumping jacks

Finish with 1 mile cooldown run minus the vest.


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