Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Marking the coures

Hey Misfits,

If anyone would like to help us mark the course out at Silver Springs for the Gobbler Gallop feel free to join us. We'll meet at the boat launch at 8:30 a.m. Thanksgiving morning (the day before the run). Shouldn't take more than an hour. Remember if you haven't RSVP'd to the evite, please do so. I'm hard at work making the shirts and I want to have enough for everyone who pays to get one. Remember, bring $10 and everyone's welcome back at our house following the run for beer and bagels.

This year we're trying something fun, thanks to Stan Towers' suggestion we'll be doing a "shot glass" start..... I'll have a couple of options available, but they probably won't be top shelf...

Run happy


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